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You must prepare yourself to undertake the spiritual journey

There are three things required to be done as preparation to undertake the spiritual journey.

First is an enquiring mind. As we are, we are a believing mind. In this world whatever is important is found by seeking, not by believing. You need curiosity, curiosity of experience, not of answers, not of philosophy, but of life. You need curiosity to know, to find, to achieve and to be.

Second, in order to gain something you have to lose something. And, what do we have to lose. To lose one self is the second preparation. Just the readiness to give is enough. Just the readiness becomes the giving. Provided the readiness is complete. The courage to let go of your self is enough.

Third, patience and a hopeful awaiting. Patience is the fundamental root of spirituality. Patience means that the sea becomes calm; there is not a single wave; then it becomes a mirror and catches the moon. Truth is forever available; God is all around you, here and now. However, because our impatient mind sways and trembles, it cannot catch anything. It fails to become a mirror.

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