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Whatever is worth attaining is within you.

What is your quest? What are you looking for? How can you search? You have no idea of Him, so how will you seek Him? At best you will look for Him on the paths that are familiar to you. And, you would have found Him on those paths if He was there.

Don’t try to hold God in your palm; your hand is too small; He will not fit into your hand. All efforts are ways of holding God in your hand, because you are the master of your efforts and endeavouurs. But, whatever can be attained through your effort is part of this world only.

There is another way, though, which is to attain through surrender, let go, patience and prayer. Not through effort, but through rest, relaxation. When you are relaxed, it happens. When you are prayerful, it happens. When you let go of yourself and surrender, it happens. When you don’t swim, but float with the current of the river, it happens. It does not happen through you, but only when you let go of yourself, it happens.

The power infinitely bigger than you, makes it happen; all you do is not to become a hurdle in its way. The spiritual quest is basically not any effort; it is effortless effort.

Whatever is worth attaining is within you. Call it light, call it bliss, call it moksha, or call it God. Whatever is worth seeking is within you. That which Buddha, Mahavira, Krishna, Christ and Nanak have attained is within you.

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