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Ego hinders self-realisation

While ego is essential to function in the world, its out-of-proportional dimensions make it a hindrance on the path of self-realisation. The danger is that we identify our self with our ego.

It is true that we exist because of our individual ego. We are born and we die as individuals. We live our lives as an individual ego. So, we need to understand this ego.

The ego is a disease but its remedy is also in it. If we can scrutinize the ego with the arrow of awareness, we will find that it does not exist. It is a delusion. Once this is seen, the ego disappears on its own. Nothing more needs to be done.

Just as one ray of light is enough to dispel the darkness, the light of consciousness is enough to dissolve the ego. Open your eyes and look at it. The more you look at it the less you will find it. It will dissolve and disappear like darkness when the suns rises.

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