

Sahaj means being comfortable with who you are. It is accepting yourself exactly as you are. The meaning of Sahaj is that which is your true nature; that which you have not learnt from others; that which you have to search and discover within yourself. Sahaj means that which arises out of you. The opposite […]


Guru Nanak prays that, give me just one secret, one method – that I never forget the lord of all creatures. Remembrance is the secret of life. Remembrance is also the method by which to learn the art of living. Remembrance means that you are conscious continuously. Whatever you do, walk, talk, sit, stand, you […]

Practical Spirituality

Guru Granth Sahib provides a blueprint of the kind of life that one should lead. It gives practical advice on how you should model your life so that you may be able to fulfill the purpose of your life and return to the source as soon as possible and as effortlessly as possible. Since the […]

Mool Mantra

Ek Omkar Satnam Karta Purukh Nirbhau Nirwai Akaal Moorat  Ajooni Saibham Gur prasad. Omkar is the all-pervading sound The only one that pervades all around It is the only truth that exists For it is, has been and ever will be The creator resides in the creation Making it creativity, an ongoing process. Creativity is […]


Listening is a life transforming experience. He who has learnt the art of right listening knows all that needs to be known. Guru Nanak sings in praise of listening. On the surface they might appear to be exaggerations because he says that you can attain everything if you listen properly. But, our truth is that […]

Know Thyself

The opening line of Asa-di-Var is about the darkness all around. What is this darkness? We know of the darkness of night, but that is dispelled by the first rays of the sun. Yet Guru Nanak says that not a hundred moons or a thousand suns can dispel the darkness. He is obviously referring to […]

Just Being – Sahaj

Sahaj is the state of being that is considered the ultimate state in Gurbani. Sahaj means being in your natural state. Sahaj means living life as it comes. Sahaj means doing your duties but without being the doer. Sahaj means effortless effort. The only effort we need to make is to remove the dust of […]


Hukam is the cosmic law. Hukam is that which is. Whatever is and whatever is happening is Hukam. Whatever is happening is like the river flowing. It is up to you to go along with the flow or to go against it. When you go along with the flow you surrender your will to the […]

Guru Granth Sahib

From the Book – Understanding Guru Granth Sahib by Satjit Wadva …. I have studied the scriptures of the great religions, but I do not find elsewhere the same power of appeal to the heart and mind as I find here in these volumes (English translation of Siri Guru Granth Sahib). They are compact in spite of […]

God | World

God and the world are two sides of the same phenomenon. God is not someone sitting up in the clouds watching your actions and rewarding and punishing you accordingly. God and his creation are one. God is not just the creator of this world. Creation is the creator. God is creativity. God is expanding all […]

An Occasion for Celebration

Death is an occasion for celebration. It is homecoming. The separated soul returns to the source. What can be more joyful? Life, in Sikhism, is an opportunity given to the soul to find its bearing and its way back to the fountainhead of life. Death is the culmination of life. The quality of death describes […]


Sanjam means giving direction to life. Sanjam means giving a goal to life. Without sanjam you run in all directions. There is so much in life. You cannot get everything. You have to choose what to take and what to discard. You have been granted the boon of choice. The ability to choose intelligently is […]


Satguru is an opportunity, a rare opportunity. Satguru is a window through which you can see the sky from your dark room. Satguru is a gate through which you can pass and come out in the open sky. Satguru is the path to reach the state of sublime bliss. Satguru is like the clouds showering […]


~ Lao Tsu~ The visible world is transient. It keeps changing all the time. Here, whatever is said, gets lost. Whatever is written, gets erased. Here, all signatures are on water. They disappear even before they can be written. Therefore, the name that can be articulated with the lips, with speech, with word, in time, […]


The inner journey to attain bliss begins from where you are. There is no other starting point. As you are, you are in deep slumber. Not the ordinary sleep that you enjoy every night, but a spiritual sleep. In other words, you move about doing your daily things almost unconsciously. Basically, one needs only five […]