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All beliefs are false.

They are a poor substitute for knowing the truth. You don’t believe in things that you know. What you know you know. There is no scope for beliefs in it. For instance, you don’t believe in the sun; you know it; you have felt its warmth, you have seen its light and you have seen its effect on everything.

Beliefs are born out of ignorance. The very word implies an element of doubt. You believe in something of which you are not absolutely sure. It could be true, or it may not be true. You are not sure.

Beliefs are detrimental to gaining knowledge. You don’t need beliefs, you need wisdom. Only wisdom is capable of taking you to truth. And, beliefs are the biggest hurdle in awakening wisdom. Beliefs give rise to mechanical behavior, which stunts your growth. The mentality born out of beliefs is slavish, it keeps going round in circles on the circumference, and lives under the illusion that it is reaching somewhere.

Beliefs are a part of your unconscious mind. He who lives by beliefs barely exists; he does not live life fully. To live life fully, you need to question, you need to seek and search.

On the path of search, beliefs are the biggest hurdle. Those who believe don’t even set out on the road to search. There remains no reason to search; they are satisfied with somebody else’s truth. Thus, paper flowers do the work of real flowers, but, you cannot quench your thirst with imaginary water.

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