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Humility is the essence of all virtues.

Humility is like a deep well; the water will flow towards it from all directions and it will always be full. Humility is like the valleys that get all the rain that falls on the mountains as well, whereas the mountains are too haughty to retain any water. Humility is the heavier side of the weighing scale.

Humility comes naturally, if only we are honest about our capabilities. What can we be arrogant about? There is nothing that we can do without blessings. So, what is there to be proud of?

We cannot take a single breath on our own. We are absolutely helpless. We need to realise our helplessness and we will have no choice but to be humble.

But, we delude ourselves by thinking that whatever we have achieved is because of our efforts. We can at best make the effort but we have no control on whether we succeed or not.

So, be humble.

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