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Omkar is the echo of existence.

Omkar is not a word; nor is Omkar a sound. It is anahad nad, soundless sound. Nobody is producing it; it is the way of existence. Like the sound of the river flowing in the mountains, like the sound of the breezes blowing through the leaves, Omkar is the way of existence. No one is producing it. It does not need two things to strike against each other to produce it.

For every other sound two things are required. You need two hands to clap. The water beating against the rocks produces the sound of the river. Omkar is not a striking. That is why it is anahad nad, the unstruck sound, the sound of one hand clapping.

Omkar is that call, which you hear when you are absolutely quiet, when you are not there, when you cease to be an ego, when your home becomes the vast emptiness of the sky, then you hear that voice. That is when you hear that Omkar is echoing from all directions. That alone is the basic source. Everything has come out of it.

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