God | World

God and the world are two sides of the same phenomenon. God is not someone sitting up in the clouds watching your actions and rewarding and punishing you accordingly. God and his creation are one. God is not just the creator of this world. Creation is the creator. God is creativity. God is expanding all the time. God is not separate from this world. God is not different from this world. Whatever is, is God. Whatever is happening is God. God is not a noun; God is a verb. God is happening all the time, all around you. Viewed from one side, it is the world; and viewed from another angle it is all God.

Eh jag sachey ki hai kothri sachey ka vich waas.

This world is the home of the True God; he resides in it. Every grain of sand, every drop of water is divine. The forms and names are the appearances, but behind the facade is God. God is in His creation. God is in the planets, stars and suns. God is in rocks, mountains and streams. God is in all beings. God is everywhere and in everything. There is nothing which is devoid of God.

Yet, this is not visible because we are caught up with the apparent, whereas God remains hidden beneath the forms. The forms are false because they are like shadows; they don’t have an existence of their own. They are like waves; they rise and fall with the wind on the bosom of the ocean. But they are not the ocean. The ocean is underneath them. Similarly, God is beneath every form. The formless divinity resides in every form.

Thus, the world is not opposed to God. There is no need to renounce the world to seek God. God is right here and now. God is wherever you go, so where can you go. Therefore, you can find God wherever you are by changing your perspective. If you can look at the divine nature of the world, you will see no difference anywhere. The world and God are one.

On your own, you may not be able to attain this perspective. But, with the Guru’s help it is possible to see beyond the appearances and realise the truth. This vision can be achieved by becoming a witness. Since all our senses function outwards, we have got used to living in the external world, which is a necessity. But, we also have to develop the ability to look within. We need to change the direction of our senses. This light of awareness, directed inwards, can help us see things as they are rather than the way we perceive them through the lens of our conditioning.

The world is neutral. It is neither good nor bad. It is up to us what we make of it. If you identify with the apparent, then you suffer the pangs of joys and sorrows and all the dual throng. However, if you identify with the real that lies beneath the apparent form, you attain a state of eternal peace and bliss.

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