
Satguru is an opportunity, a rare opportunity. Satguru is a window through which you can see the sky from your dark room. Satguru is a gate through which you can pass and come out in the open sky. Satguru is the path to reach the state of sublime bliss.

Satguru is like the clouds showering bliss; it depends on you whether you run away from it or stand under an umbrella or let yourself get drenched in it. Satguru is the sun already shining bright and clear; if you open your eyes you will see it; if you open your door, it will flood in.

But, satguru gives only that which you already have; which has been with you always. He gives nothing new, and he takes away from you which was not yours to begin with. It may sound paradoxical, but it is a fundamental law of spiritual life.

Bliss is your basic nature. But, you have forgotten it. Satguru shakes you and reminds you of what you are. Just like a man who is asleep. To awaken is his nature, and if you shake him and awaken him, what new thing have you given him? You have not given him awakening. He had the ability to wake up. Therefore, you could wake him up. You have given him nothing that he did not have already. And, if he did not have the ability to wake up, there is no way you could have woken him up.

Sleep or unconsciousness is not your nature. Otherwise it could not have been taken away from you. Sleep is superficial, an outer covering. If it was your nature, it could not have been snatched from you. Ego can be taken away; it is not your nature. Misery is not your nature. Bliss is. Bliss is already in your heart. You have covered it up with misery. Misery is your dream; bliss is your true nature. Satguru only reminds you of it.

Satguru is a doctor, a surgeon. He takes away your misery and reminds you of your blissful nature. He does not give you doctrines and philosophies. He treats your eyes so that you can see clearly. He removes the film of conditioning from your eyes and gives you clear vision.

Who is the satguru?

Life is the best teacher, but you will need a living guru in the initial stages, because you don’t have the capacity to learn from everything and everyone. Satguru is one before whom you feel like bowing and surrendering. Satguru is one who does not give sermons but allows you to be yourself. Satguru is one who does not give you a code of conduct, but helps you to become authentic in whatever you do. Then whatever you do is right irrespective of what social codes have to say.

After holding your hand and helping you take a few steps, satguru directs you to find the satguru residing in you. When you have silenced the chattering of the mind to some extent, you will be able to hear the inner voice, which is truly your satguru. Each individual has his satguru in himself. When you come in contact with your satguru, you have attained a state of bliss. Then there is nothing but bliss.

Jaye baso vadbhagini sakhiye santa sang samayeeye

Teh dukh na bhukh na rog vyapey gur charni chitt layeeye.

(GGS – 803)

Come, my fortunate friends, let us surrender to the guru.

Where there is no sorrow, no hunger and no disease.

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